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Automated pay stations

The right solution for all applications. Competence from the outset.

Software applications

Automated pay station, vending machine or ticket machine - the right application for each machine:

Easy Selection      Easy Pay     Easy Net Cash

Professional consultation from A to Z.

Custom-made cash automated pay stations of high functionality, reliability and security - the name GeWeTe stands for this.

The development of your needs and therefore bespoke automated pay station systems with an outstanding price/performance ratio is our strength.

Our employees, with their wide-ranging knowledge and long-term experience together with the understanding of your requirements help develop strong ideas for the optimum solution for your project. We co-ordinate with you every step of the way.

We support you with professional and honest consultation from the first enquiry to the installation of your new automated pay station and of course far beyond.

The flexibility and efficiency of GeWeTe paired with the concentrated competence of the large service network of the Gauselmann group ensures we support you from day one of your device going into service with on-going support and maintenance.

Basic Models

Security through quality

Security must satisfy the highest requirements wherever money transactions are performed. We therefore manufacture machine solutions with different security classes, whereby high quality components are aligned perfectly to your requirements. We strive to make a crucial contribution to an optimal protection against manipulations. Additionally, we equip our diverse automated pay stations in such a manner that they are protected against vandalism.

Modern technology for simple payment

In addition to components that control basic functions such as accepting, checking, processing and paying of cash, we offer highly modern subsystems, which take on functions for example the acceptance and issue expenditure of magnetic and smart cards as well as the issuing of tickets and receipts. We can also design our automated pay stations for cashless payment with EC or Debit-/Credit Card. If necessary we further incorporate further components enabling additional functions.

Payment technology for all cases

We already have numerous customers using our tailor-made cash systems. They are among others used successfully in leisure facilities such as swimming pools, fitness clubs and entertainment parks as well as in public institutions such as airports, train stations, hospitals or cafeterias.